I've not had a fantastic couple of days. I'm always a bit negative at this time of the month but recent news and family events have made it worse. Food choices have been appalling - though more on the quality front rather than quantity so at least I haven't been gaining weight.
All in all it has been a pretty stressful time recently but at least one of the major stress points will be over tomorrow morning and hopefully I'll be able to concentrate on me a little bit more again.
I am highly affected by my menstrual cycle (sorry to keep banging on about this) but at least for my dietbets so far I have had all the lows at the beginning which allows me to be really focussed for the latter half. This has made me recognise that rather than wait for my winnings (being optimistic here!) to clear at the end of the bet it would probably be more worthwhile for me to invest a little more cash and start a bet that perfectly lines up with my cycle. I need to double check dates but at the moment this is looking like a good option for me. I may even set up my own if there are none near the right date, most seem to start on Mondays, but I'll only do this if I find time to preplan regular challenges & prompts to post as support throughout the bet.
I have been considering how I would feel if I lost the dietbet. My two dietbets so far have been for $35 dollars, not too high but also not money that I want to throw away. This works out at $8.75 a week, £6.86 on todays exchange rate. A local slimming group (that I can't actually attend due to times) charges £4.95 a week plus an annual fee so feels fairly comparable. Whilst I would be dissappointed if I lost at least I don't feel like I'm just throwing money away - and providing that I work hard I get to win it back!
How are you problem solving your lows?
First July LulaPound Losers post