Whilst I was walking this morning a man on a bicycle yelled a little encouragement to me as he passed by, 'looking good!' He looked an odd looking man, definitely a bit eccentric - there were a pair of rabbit ears sticking out of his cycling helmet! I smiled and carried on down the path.
About five minutes later I turned a corner and found him relaxing on a bench. It was a surprise as we couldn't have been more than half a mile down the cycle track at the time - quite early for a break. As I continued on I expected him to come shooting past but it never happened. My mind wandered, as it does, and I pictured him snoozing - until I remembered the rabbit ears and had to giggle. If he was the hare then I must be the tortoise! Slowly plodding along, one foot in front of the other. I may not be fast but I am getting there.
It is so important to remember that weightloss takes time, perseverance and determination. There are no quick fixes much as I wish there were. I need to keep my head in the game and keep on moving forwards, even if it is sometimes at a slow, frustratingly plodding pace. One small step at a time.
Today I am a tortoise.