I set up my own dietbet exactly how I wanted it to be... and then I got an email from dietbet saying that the start date had been changed. What?!
I understand what has happenned, a dietbet needs at least two players to go ahead and nobody had joined mine and rather than just cancel it they shifted the start date to give me an extra 2 days but also emailed me confirming that it would be cancelled if nobody else joins. I don't mind the cancellation (just quietly crying inside that nobody wanted to join me) but I am feeling very miffed at the date change. Grr.
One thing I have learnt is that when choosing your next dietbet game do click on the 'all' option, so many are not shown on the 'starting soon' screen that is automatically shown when the page loads. I wonder how many people have to join a bet before it shows here or whether there is another criteria. So infuriating as I suspect that this is where most of the smaller bets (including mine) hide.
Never mind, must move onwards. Having had almost two weeks of minimal exercise and delicious food I am feeling rested and ready to tackle another bet. I've also finished my bullet journal so it's reorganisation all around - new stationary, yay!
Feeling very positive.