Happy Thanksgiving to all of you whom are celebrating it and hope you are enjoying lots of delicious food and getting to spend time with family. Day Two I started off excited and pumped up! We had a pretty bad storm last night so that actually had woken me up earlier than I had planned but luckily it didn't effect my mood whatsoever. I started the day with a two egg omlete that I spread homemade yogurt cheese on top of and had an orange as well! It was a yummy filling breakfast. I managed to get some sit ups in this morning and did squats up the stairs at work and avoided the elevator. After work I did the Skinny bitch workout for half an hour. I probably would have gotten more in but there was a battle for the tv :) I weighed myself this morning and it said I was down 2 lbs. Later this Evening I have gained a pound but I get that weight fluctuates and I just want to log the morning and evening weights to see if it's some sort of pattern.