I'm not one for New Year's resolutions. Instead, I do a "word" to focus my year. I did this for the first time in 2016 with the word "open". I challenged myself to be open to new things and to take on new challenges. In doing so, I made some significant changes in my life.
Unfortunately, last year, my word never really "fit" and I spent a lot of time unfocussed...jumping from one goal to another. This year, my word is "balance".
In many areas, I do already have balance. Less so with food and fitness. And sometimes when I think I have work-life balance, my six-year-old niece breaks that bubble.
Being a referee with DietBet, I am fortunate to work from almost anywhere. As such, I spend a lot of time at my sister's with her wonderful kids. They really are the centre of my universe. Adding up all of my little trips, I spent six weeks at my sister's. And she spent a few weeks near us.
During these visits, my niece has made comments that I'm always working. Now, this is entirely untrue, but in her little mind I do work a lot. One day on my last visit, I told her that I had the WHOLE day off. I wasn't going to work at all. And I didn't - except I did crack open my laptop to play around...and right away she called me on it. In her 'wonderful' shrill voice, she complained that I said I wasn't going to work and I was working anyway.
On a previous visit, she drew a picture of me with my husband. And in this picture, she included my laptop.
These moments have resonated with me. So....my focus for the year is balance.
- Food: make healthy choices but sprinkle in some 'treats'. And if I have a treat, it's not the end of the world. I don't need to throw in the towel.
- Exercise: move in ways I enjoy, and not in ways I "should". Make small, achievable, goals. (so no more never-ending challenges like 17 races in 2017)
- Family: put down the technology. Tune-in.
- Social: get out of the house! (when you work primarily from home, it's easy to become reclusive)
- Work: well, I love my work so I believe I already have balance here. But, I can challenge myself a bit more...get out of my comfort zone.
So far this year, I've done well with balance. It fits. It's 'right'. And while I'm only on my first full day of my visit with my sister, I made sure to put aside the computer (except while working).
My niece picked our "activity" for the day...which was to have sugar on snow (or taffy on snow for non-Quebecers). [boiled maple syrup poured on snow to make it a slightly chewy taffy delicious treat of perfection - see photo).
To balance that out, I stopped myself from gorging. I enjoyed it but didn't go overboard. Then, for my snack this evening, I kept my snack healthy to even things out.
I will admit that I'm slightly more motivated to make sure I win the first round of my Maintainer game. But woot woot for balance! :)