I've said it over and over - I can live healthy. Yet, over and over, I fail. I am hoping to write in this blog
more as a journal for myself - still not sure if I"m gonna post public or not. Mostly because I don't have a lot to share that anyone would be interested in! Today I am starting my (is it 3rd?) DietBet. I have basically failed at them all, except for 2 rounds. I MUST WIN MY MONEY BACK! LOL What a reason to try to lose weight, huh? Seriously - I MUST do this for my children, and my hubby. I will turn 50 in 1 year and 6 months. OMG I WILL NOT go into that new decade over-weight, over-eating, lazing around. I am Bi-Polar, on meds for years.......live a very busy life. I will have a couple of days (or hours) at hyper- speed, doing,doing, high energy. Then.......crash and want to do nothing but want to lay in the bed and watch tv. It's gotten worse this last year. I teach middle-school chorus, have two young children that are involved in everything, an amazing husband......a blessed life, really. So, why can't I over-come my lack of self-discipline when it comes to eating right and exercising consistently? Over and over again.......
I am going to try to be more involved with this DietBet group than I have with the past ones. I know that reading your stories/triumphs/set-backs will be great for me.
Today - I will excercise at least 30 minutes. I am going to cook my quinoa, fix me a yummy salad with fresh veggies.......
Have a great day, all!