Last week went pretty well! Monday was a little rocky at dinner but I got right back on track Tuesday morning! I got in 3 runs last week for a total of 15 miles for the week. It was a great way to spend time with my running pals and burn some calories. I skipped on the regular Saturday "post run" brunch only becuase I am not yet strong enough to make the healthy choices in a social situation. Put some bacon and mimosas in front of me after 8 miles and I could easily slip! I went home instead and had a healthy post run fuel breakfast and felt pretty good about my choices. First week in and I am down 3 pounds. I have brought my lunch to work today and have meal prepped enough to get me through the end of the week. Feeling proud of myself and loving all the pics and motivation from others' success I am seeing on the chat board! Cheers everyone!
Posted on October 20, 2014
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Sign in to CommentI agree, it's so hard to resist temptations in a social setting. Sometimes, I think if I just lock myself in the house, I'd be on track. But then again, we all need that socializing so we don't feel so out of touch with the world. It's a hard balance indeed. Good luck to you!
Peacelilly1974 likes this comment.
Keep up the good work!!! So inspired by you.
Peacelilly1974 likes this comment.
Great job with the running and making good/healthy food decisions!! Keep up the great work!! :)
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