It took me some time to realize that I need to walk the walk than talk the talk. I have never been small, but I also have never been nearly 200 pounds. I nearly did and that is when I told myself: "Enough excuses."
I have always struggled with my weight, but atleast I had things to do to make me feel like I'm active. But as a recent college grad who now works 9-to-5 in a sedentary job, it is too easy to fall prey to cravings and laziness. But I won't let that undo all my hard work. I barely won my very first Dietbet, but I will be damned if I lose my second!
So, what motivates me? Having money on the line definitely helps. I have been in serious budget mode and can be considered frugal. I don't want to feel like my money is being wasted. This is an investment in me, and something I have to remind myself every time I groan at the thought of doing another set of pushups.
I want to feel as comfortable in my own skin as my boyfriend does with his body. In fact, I want to feel even MORE secure in myself. I want to believe that I am not skinny or fat, simply fit and capable of handling myself. I want both strength and grace regardless what I'm wearing or not wearing.
What keeps me accountable? Having a personal trainer, a live-in bf. And having adopted these habits for the past 2-2 1/2 months will do that to you. So far, I have noticed I feel much better when I get up and walk after staring at a computer screen for an hour or more. I also prefer cooking and bringing my lunches to work than throwing away money on a burger and fries that may or may not be good (flavor-wise, obviously health-wise no). And as much as I still don't "love" running, it does make me feel like a badass when I finish strong.
And I keep adding on mini goals such as gifts to myself (a dress if I win my second Dietbet, a massage for my birthday if I lose 15-20 pounds). And even new challenges, such as running a 5k.
So I can't quit halfway through. Not now, not later, and probably not ever. And I'm okay with this.