I have to be honest. Day 2 was a struggle BUT I managed to stay FOCUSED!
Breakfast - I had a donut :( (yes that was my downfall) I can't help it LOL! Every Tuesday my manager brings breakfast for our meetings. One time deal I promise!
Lunch - Chicken Breast w/ Brown Rice
Snack - Oatmeal w/ Quinoa and almond nuts
Dinner - Spaghetti w/ lean meat
Workout -
2.25 miles run
Ran 3 times up and down my stairs
3 12 reps of sit ups
3 12 reps of push ups
3 reps of burpees
THEN...walked my dog a couple of blocks for his exercise.
What I do if I'm not at the gym.
One thing that I love to do is CARDIO and that's very IMPORTANT! I know that because I used to be a dancer.
My goal is to look like my picture on the top! Ugh...I'm depressed hahaha! I can do this! I can do this!
Accomplished Day 2!