Today I entered the DietBet10 because it seems no matter what I do the scale doesn't change. I am 65 pounds heavier than I was 25 years ago. I started walking last winter and have been walking (3 miles fast!) since last spring. At first just once or twice a week, now at least 3 or 4 times a week, sometimes more. BUT the scale stays the same. My brother walks with me since his office moved close to mine. I have only gone out by myself once. I know I need to get to where I will exercise alone. So last month I joined Cross Fit - I went 8 times in October. This will help me strengthen my core and they're great about helping me level the exercises to what my bad kness can handle. I guess I must be eating more as I exercise more. My hips have gotten slimmer but not much else.
Well maybe joining this community will give me the push I need to change my diet!