I'm excited to start my first DietBet tomorrow. My weight is something I've struggled with all my life. I'm still down about 20 pounds from the highest weight I ever was, but it's still too high. I have fibromyalgia and oestoarthritis in my knees and back. It makes exercise very difficult as it causes pain, and the exhaustion also makes me want to sleep all the time. The weight has piled on because of this. But I know I will feel better without carrying so much weight around.
My husband and I went to Paris and Belgium in September and that trip was a real wake-up call for me. I was in a lot of pain during the trip and was unable to physically do all the walking and sightseeing I wanted. We are headed to Florence, Italy in May 2015 and I have vowed that Florence will be better than Paris! This game is perfect as it ends right as we are leaving for Italy. Here's to a better photo with a Berlingo in 2015!