That's three days in a row, people! Laced up the shoes (no not the ones in the photo) and out the door I went. It's a beautiful day here again. Got some Vitamin D by walking on the sunny side of the street. And of course, the pain came roaring back by the time I was ready to turn home. Just tried to breathe through it and keep going.
I get sad when I think about what I used to be able to do. I walked the Portland Marathon 12 years ago (eep!), for frack's sake. Not that I was in the most specatular shape then, but I'd take that body over this one any day. It may have still been fat, but at least it didn't hurt.
I don't need to walk another marathon. I just want to be able to move without as much pain. More movement=less pain, eventually. So I'll lace up my shoes again tomorrow. For now, I'm off to find the heating pad.