Ok, So it sounds a little silly to endorse gambling, after all it does get a bad wrap sometimes. But have you ever stopped to think about the feeling that runs through your body when you've put your hard earned money on the line and it all comes down to the wire, the final whistle, the finish line, the roll of the dice.
That is Exhilaration my friend. Along with that comes a rush of hormones released by the brain and you feel good. Amazing in fact.
By placing a wager on yourself to perform you are able to stimulate your brain into producing that same effect. The tension, the anxiety, the joy. To be honest it adds some thrill to your life PLUS you get to compete against other people who want to take your money and there is no way you are going to sit back and let that happen are you...NO GOD DAM WAY!
The interesting thing is the more you have to lose, the harder you will try and prevent it from happening. For some people this could be $200, I mean who would just sit back and let someone take that kind of money from them...Not me thats for sure. But for others it could be as little as $30. For them it could just be about the principle of WINNING A BET, no matter how big or small.
Either way, Put something at stake and the payoff will be even more enjoyable, trust me!