I would like to know if anyone has used the Couch to 5K app? If so, please let me know if you liked it, hated it or indifferent? Thanks!
Posted on November 20, 2014
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Sign in to CommentThanks everyone for you comments. I've decided to get the app and give it a try. Happy Thanksgiving!
I completed it last year on the treadmill. Then tried running a 5K distance around a lake and failed miserably. Much different running on a treadmill vs running outdoors. Took me about an additional 2 weeks to be able to run it outdoors. I like the program a lot as it got a fat butt like me to be able to run even though I still don't really like running. I just run because it's very effective for me in the weight loss department.
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i've never actually finished it. was thinking i'd like to start it up again. it's a good app.
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