Today is a good day--fun time at gym, feeling strong, blood work good. Spoke with my cousin, Lila, and she made me laugh--always a good thing. She was asking about how I feel and what treatment is like, as well as a few other things that are going on right now.
We haven't seen each other in about a year, so she doesn't know about db or the fitness journey I'm on, but she does know what it's like to be overwhelmed by life sometimes. She made the best comment, "Next time, God, could I get it on a salad plate rather than a platter?"
I couldn't help laughing. That's exactly how it feels sometimes. When times are tough it feels like we're having to bear a platter of problems, filled to the brim, like something you might get at an all-you-can eat restaurant or a family reunion pot-luck. It's easy to long for just a salad plate sized life. Manageable, easy, (low-cal). But that's rarely how it works.
And is that really how I want it? I don't think so. I want a platter-sized life, full and overflowing. I want a double-helping of joy and life, and if that means I get more of the tough stuff, too, then so be it.
So here's to the platter, in all it's messy glory! But do you mind if I keep it low carb?