I finally did it. Paid on the 2nd, but uploaded my pix on the 4th. My scale didn't have a place to live. My house is carpeted and lopsided and I was dreading the prospect of someone taking my picture. I finally found a place in the kitchen where I could take an accurate weight and although it was impossible to get a mirror propped there, I finally just caved in and got my picture taken. Although I'm ashamed and embarrased, I may need to feel those things in order to get my butt in shape. My goal is to lose 70lbs in one year. Hopefully by the time this is 6 months in, I'll have lost 35lbs instead of the 20lbs (10%) that is listed here. Either way, I better lose something. My baby is almost 1 year old and I'm running out of excuses. I just want to live a happy and active life with my children. I want to make sure we can do things together without mommy getting tired. I also want to feel confident and beautiful. I want to take pictures naked and be like "Hot Mama"! I want my family to be proud of me for my physical and not my character (joke). The ironic thing is, I think we are a better version of ourselves when we are healthy. When you feel good, you do good. When you have energy, you can accomplish more and feel better. When you can be an example of good health, you inspire others. I want to be the best version of me possible so my kids, family, and friends can see someone that has made a complete turn around.
My only regret with joining dietbet is that I didn't smile in my upload picture. I think smiling shows that I'm with my choices, which will force me to make good choices. (Hope that's how it works). At least I'll have a dramatic BEFORE picture when I have that dream body this time next year. :)
Here is a picture of me smiling and a picture I am proud of. This is what I'm trying to get back to. Good luck and smile throughout this journey!
Watch my progress on Make Mommy Over. www.makemommyover.weebly.com