I was just viewing my 3 dietbets (yep, signed up for another one - a 6 month transformer!) and I realized I might need to drop out of #2. I don't want to, but I don't want to lose my money chasing an unrealistic goal for me either. Hmmm - decisions, decisions. Here's the status reading on each of my 3 bets:
#1 - "You have 15 days to lose 1.5lbs" - totally doable
#2 - "You have 26 days to lose 6.6lbs" - eek, what?!
#3 - "You have 30 days to lose 4.4lbs" - seems challenging, but realistic
It's quite the conundrum. I don't want to be a quitter just because I don't think I'll win, but I have to be practical. I am on a tight budget and can't afford to just throw away $35. Could I lose 6.6lbs in 25 days? Even if I ate next to nothing I'm not sure I could. I'm too close to my ultimate goal and therefore losing slowly (I have water weight to thank for my success in DB #1!). I shudder to think about spending the next 25 days in pure hungry misery. I'm really loving feeling good and energetic with the way I'm eating now. So, yes, I am pondering being a quitter. I am going to step on the scale tomorrow and if I see a miracle I may stay in it, but I doubt it. We'll see....
I've also begun tweaking my eats slightly. Just yesterday I wrote about being thrilled to bits that the scale has still been moving downward but today when I got on it was up .8. Not much and maybe just a fluctuation but I had last weighed in 4 days ago so I expected to see at least a tiny drop. Time to nip it in the bud! Nothing drastic - just small tweaks. I only had one egg on my breakfast sandwich instead of two and served myself a smaller portion of cottage cheese/blueberries. It was fine. I didn't feel deprived and still lasted until lunchtime without getting overly hungry. For lunch, I eliminated the beans and ff cheese (gross anyway!) from my monster salad. Again, I didn't really notice. I might nix my afternoon apple if I'm not hungry, but that remains to be seen. I need to tread carefully because if I cut back too much or lose the satisfaction factor of my meals I run the risk of returning to old negative behaviors. Can't go there!
So, that's where I am. Despite the possibility of dropping out of a dietbet, I'm still feeling positive and focused and happy. Downward we go, my friends!