In march 2008 I was in a motorcycle wreck. I was lucky to survive. I crushed my femur in 2 places, crushed my patella, compound fracture in my tibia, fractured my arm, and split my quad in half ( which saved my life, otherwise the femur would have cut my femural artery) After they put rods in my leg, extensive peicing things back together, and a lot of blood transfusions I had a lot of healing/rehab time. I had to relearn how to walk with assistance of a walker but most of my time was spent in a wheelchair.
Time went on and I was okay for full weight but the pain was bad so I worked harder, then about 8 months later Icouldnt stand at all I was in more pain then I'd ever been, the Dr said I had bent the rod and broke the screws I'd have to have another surgery. After that surgery they told me with good rehab I'd be lucky to get to 40% and would need to use a walker/cane minimum forever. I accepted that. We planned things around my injury. I lived in chronic pain everyday. ( the only relief I had was dancing while sitting during the Ellen show lol...summer and winter break sucked!)
We all know this part....no activity, no change in diet, weight piled on. I had never been a small girl, but with no activity it got bad. I was pushing 370lbs and it was only continuing to grow. I realized that because of this injury I was screwed...because of this circumstance I wouldnt be able to have kids with my future husband, and if we did take the chance it would be high risk because of my health, hell I might have already killed my future child because of something that happened to me.
Then one day as I was feeling sorry for myself I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize myself. Who was this girl that let some circumstances dictate how she lives and worse who she was? This was not me, and I embraced myself, and loved myself for the first time. Then I decided to find myself again.
Let me take a short break here. I was not a healthy girl. I knew nothing about nutrition. I was a farm kid who was very active so it never got out of control. I had never stepped foot in a gym, in fact I was the kid making excuses to not participate in gym class. I had always been big but never thought about any of this stuff so my first step was research.
So I found out what healthy was and decided to work towards it. November 14 2011 I changed my lifestyle to healthy and I've never gone back, and celebrate my healthy anniversary every year.
Back to the story, so the weight started falling off and my pain got better. I joined a gym and strengthened my body in the pool slowly but surely. Then one day I told my husband (fiance at the time) that I wanted to walk a 5k he thought I was crazy but supported me as long as I was careful.
Since then I have walked several 5ks I took a break to have an amazing daughter, my pregnancy was very healthy and very active and she is the image of a healthy baby! I even did a 5k at a walk with her at 2 months old strapped to me. I plan on running a 5k this year and eventually do an extreme race like a tough murder or spartan beast. I now work at a gym inspiring g others and being inspired by them everyday. I'm even in the process of taking a diet and nutrition course and a sports nutrition course.
I started this dietbet at 257.6lbs and will not lose any of my money :). My final goal is to be 198lbs strong with a healthy bmi. I'm using this to help keep me accounabke and if I don't so it now I may lose my chance.
I hope this inspires you. Remember in the same boiling water the potato softens but the egg hardens, its not the circumstance its what your made of!