Good morning world!
Day one of my blog into day 6 of my journey..Well, day 6 into one of the best gathering sites for weight loss I have seen. At first, I was like great! a sight Heidi and Chris is involved with, it must be pretty good, right!?! and a bet to loose to boot..A bet, I can never turn down..Then, I realized into day 2 or 3 that its not about the bet, its about belonging & camaraderie..Belonging to a group of like minded individuals from all walks of life, going through very similar things in life..and yet all have a common thread..improving our lives.
Each day as I write my blog, I hope to inject some humor, with some giggles and my hope is that it helps others..As I read others daily posted comments, I would like to say, your words help me more than you know!
Each day is a new day, so pick yourselves up by the bootstraps sistah and go!