Today was day 1 of InsanityMax:30 for me!!! Cardio Challenge and my heart was racing before I even pushed play. I was actually nervous yet excited to try this workout. I decided this first round I would modify. Maybe as the weeks go on I will feel stronger and try to start without modifying and switch to the modifer if needed. I was able to make it through the entire 30 minutes without "MaxingOut", which is why I might start without modifying, but had there not been water breaks I don't doubt I would have maxed out even with following the modifier. I think I am in love though! This is definitely a nice change up to my routine and I'm really hoping to make it through and get the free t-shirt by submitting my before and after pictures! Those before pictures are never fun to see, but what is fun to see are the results!
2 weeks into this diet bet and I was ready to throw in the towel and say goodbye to my $30. I was sure I wasn't doing too well because I got into this awful funk/depression. To the point where I didn't care anymore. I was frustrated with having to work so hard to get the body I want and struggling to feel healthy. It's definitely a journey and it definitely takes time, but I'm on my way. I'm feeling better this week. I got on the scale and saw that I had dropped 2 more pounds putting me at 47% of my goal! I didn't feel as defeated anymore and like I will soon be collecting some of your $30 ;) I'm not giving up now, I'm going to push harder, make healthier choices, and I will reach my goal. Here's to week 3!