Protein Pancakes! These aren't super awesome healthy, as they aren't made from scratch, but they did the job! There are so many recipes out there were you can make protein pancakes from scratch but this is my variation and it's super yummy. I like it!

  • 1/3 cup complete pancake mix (one serving)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (I use Sun Warrior Vegan Vanilla)
  • Water (as much as you think is needed for good batter mix)
  • Tiny bit of butter for the pan 


  • Peanut butter
  • Drizzle of grade B maple syrup

Stir all ingredients together until smooth. Put a little bit of (real) butter in a pan. Poor mix into three sections and then flip when batter bubbles. Add peanut butter while second side cooks so that it melts onto the pancake. Stack on a plate adn then drizzle a bit of maple syrup over the top.