Check out my blog if you want pictures: awkwardirishgirlblogs.wordpress.com
Day 11:
B - Two egg & spinach 'pancakes' with leftover meatballs and tomato.
L - Leftover chili with sautéed spinach and tomato.
D - Homemade chicken 'shawarma' (i.e. followed a recipe leaving out everything non-compliant and high FODMAP) with spinach salad, 'zhoug' and cucumber and tomato salsa. DELICIOUS!
- Digestive system still not the best :(
- I have noticed that my cravings are almost gone though, exciting!
Day 12:
B - Two fried eggs with leftover chili and a tomato.
L - Leftovers from dinner and a banana.
D - Sea bass sautéed with red pepper and spinach, served with coconut lime sauce I made myself. I also had a bit of smoked salmon with it. Had an orange as well #itsfriday
- Really proud today - I went to the supermarket and reeeally wanted to treat myself. So I did. With smoked salmon and coloured pens :D I didn't even think about buying sweets at all - crazy.
Day 13:
B - Fried egg with smoked salmon, sautéed spinach and tomato.
L - Leftover sea bass with red pepper and spinach and coconut lime sauce, and puréed carrots.
D - The rest of the sea bass.
After dinner - Dinner was quite small so I'm not too stressed about this. Ate some of the food I was prepping for the next day - mini turkey burgers and roasted carrots. Also a tablespoon or two of coconut butter.
- I puréed about 6 carrots today and it's all gone. I could eat that stuff forever.
- Trying to make sure I eat more fish and today was very successful in that regard!
- Things are still real slow... Hoping this stage passes soon!
Day 14:
B - Baby potatoes (with coconut oil), smoked salmon, two mini turkey burgers (they're tiny, like only a teeny bit bigger than a tablespoon), roast carrots and homemade mayonnaise.
L - Lunch was pretty soon after - I just had some more baby potatoes, two more mini turkey burgers and some tomato. Had a tablespoon or two of coconut butter again.
D - This was AMAZING. I found some reduced fresh salmon in the supermarket, so I sautéed that and served it with coconut curry sauce, roast carrots and sautéed kale.
After dinner - Again just had bits of the food I was prepping for the week as dinner was quite early - courgette soup (I love Melissa Joulwan), pulled pork, chicken (again made to Melissa's best chicken ever recipe - the brining makes such a big difference!) and chili (Civilised Caveman's recipe - it's a bit meh, much preferred Melissa's chocolate chili recipe!).
- I've decided to quite coconut butter for the remainder of my Whole30. I was treating it too much like dessert and I think it's been irritating my tummy (although coconut is fine on a low-FODMAP diet, too much (like half a cup) can contain an excessive amount of polyols. Boo. :(
- TMI news: Things are moving a bit better today and I'm feeling less bloated! Hurray :D
- I spent hours cooking today - lucky I love to cook as Whole30 is so labour intensive! I realise that I could do it in an easier way, and just cook plain foods without recipes but I don't think I could stand the boredom unfortunately. :/