Everyone recommends eating
most of your calories in the morning.
For me though, this is hard.
I have never eaten breakfast growing up.
As a child, the most I did it was
grab a piece of toast as I ran for the bus.
Unfortunately, then and now,
I am always rushing in the morning to get where I need to go.
I know I should eat breakfast, however I don't.
Instead I focus on making healthy Lunch & Dinner Choices.
I aim for 500 Calories for each meal.
Sometimes it ends up more, sometiems it ends up less.
But overall between Lunch & Dinner,
and the occasional dessert.
I will eat on average 1200 Calories.
Though, some days less, some days more.
Typically, I will cook dinner.
And make enough for two.
Pack one for lunch the next day,
and eat one right then and there.
It works well for me.
So I will continue with this,
Because I know that I cannot maintain
Breakfast in the morning.
Spicy Shrimp Soft Tacos
45 g Spicy Mayo = 45 Calories
88 g Tortilla = 251 Calories
105 g Shrimp = 104 Calories
5 g Avocado Oil = 47 Calories
105 g Tomatoes = 19 Calories
35 g Spinach = 8 Calories
474 Calories Total