So, since really starting our weight loss journey last year, my husband and I have taken pictures every 3 months so we can see our progress. Every 3 months I would excitedly grab the camera for pictures and then get upset and disapointed when I look at the photos and couldn't see the huge results my head was expecting to see----until now. Yesterday we took our 1 year photos and finally, I can see some changes. In the last 3 months my body is finally starting to change shape where it is noticeable.... I was floored when I pulled up the 1 year picture to compare. My husband and daughters were so excited for me too and I felt so good! Now I understand why they saying taking pictures is so important....maybe you won't notice the changes right away, but stick with it.... it will show!
I am taking a huge step out of my comfort zone posting my picture here (I am hoping it will show up-never done this before ;) .... remember, I am still very much a work in progess....but I am still proud of the accomplishments I have made so far and am excited for what lies ahead in the next year!