Menopause can last 10 years. Oh, reallllllyy??? I thought my doc was joking. Then, he told me that I must do 3 things in order to lose weight: drink 8 glasses of water daily, minimum, exercise harder than I ever have, and eat healthy. At my age, I must do all 3, or I won't lose enough. I did my first Diet Bet in January 2015. I got so excited, I joined a 2nd game a few days later, a $100 game. I won the $30 bet, but lost the $100 game. My weight fluctuates greatly, day to day. I can gain 3 lbs. overnight!
My biggest change THIS bet will be going to the gym, 6 days a week. I have promised myself that I would go before and it doesn't work. I havent gone and I have a membership to a gorgeous gym called Anytime. I'm praying that your support will encourage me to go. I have 30% to 40% blockage in my corotid artery. My recent bloodwork showed perfect blood pressure, much better cholesterol levels and perfect glucose levels! So I'm going to hang on to that.
I need to lose 28 pounds. I tried to pick up 28 lbs. of beans at the grocery store, and I couldn't do it. I'm 5'1"tall, so 28 lbs. IS A LOT OF WEIGHT. I have new size 6 dresses waiting for me. I have two daughters, 25 and 28, that want me to be healthy. My mom is 85 and my dad is 92. Chances are, I'll be around awhile, so I want to be healthy.
I'm also going to use prayer and continue to listen to K-LOVE, my favorite radio station. Hopefully, you listen to it, too. Best wishes to all of us!