But not as fat as I was a month ago.
I won a kickstarter and rolled that winning into another kickstarter. This way I am forced to continually lose 4% a month instead of "just" losing 10% in 6 months.
And of course I have upped the ante. Hubby and I are checking off a bucke tlist goal. We took our tax return and rolled that into a bucket list trip. We are going to NYC in April. I have never been so thats exciting for me. But in addition to visiting NYC, we are also going to see a broadway show. Not just any show. My FAVORITE musical. And there is a special person staring in the show when we go. Mr. John Cameron Mitchell himself.
Hedwig is something both my hubby and I fan girl over. He LOVES JCM so this is a big thing for us both and I am excited I get to share in this experience with him. But I don't want to do it being as fat as I am now. I don't want to huff and puff walking up the Subway stairs. I don't want to be dead tired after a short stroll through Central Park. I want to actually ENJOY this trip. So operation lose as much weight as possible will now commence.
Let's f'in do this!