Hey Guys! I've always heard people talk about detoxing and cleansing waste from your body. Well, when I started this weigh loss journey last March I thought what better way to jump start my body than detoxing. I read up on things and found out that detoxing does not only help with losing weight, but it helps with your all around health. It helps controll diabetes (which runs in my family), helps get off blood pressure pills and just helps you feel better Period!
You may ask, how do I know if I need to dextox..and I found out you may need to if you have:
- Unexplained fatigue
- irritated skin
- Allergies
- low grade infections
- Puffy eye or bags under the eye
- Bloating
- Menstrual problems
- Mental confusion
No, I'm not saying detox cures or removes problems....but it darn shole helps decrease these issues. This is what I did to start detoxing my body:
- elimnated Alcohol
- elimated refined sugars
- eliminated saturated fats
- and started drinking an all herbal tea twice a day(that made my bowls move) to help clean out my system
- joined HOT YOGA<------this is so awesome!!
Guess what guys: .....i started feeling better and saw some instant results!! I loss 5lbs in the first week! The tea kept me going on a regular.
I just thought that I would share this with you guys!! and if anyone wants keep in touch or want mor information on my personal process and things I've used, my email is taramcclellanw@gmail.com . have fun losing guys!
#IMaGOALdigger :-)