All x-mas I was so happy I was not overeating. Come januari and I haven´t put down the knife and fork since. I have gained 7,4 kg. I feel sad.
I did a weigh in today to help me see things for what they are. And to see the state I am in right now. Things change and my weight will too. Everything passes. But right now it is what it is. I feel sad but I dont feel ashamed. I dont feel bad. For that I am truly grateful.
Right now I have to work with why I eat. I have been working soo much woith what and when and how, but I don´t seem to get around not working with why. Redaing about mindfulness and finding much joy in meditation and kundaliniyoga right now (not the most fatburning activities lol...).
I obviously wont win any of this games parts but thanks everybody thanks to everybody who has supported and inspired me. You´re all beutiful! (I am too ;-))