Today, I am starting my third wave of DietBets--these will be DietBets #5-7! I posted this picture on Instagram as a way to encourage people to join Sweating for the Wedding 3, which is the third in a series of DietBets leading up to my wedding. I really love it when people I don't know get involved with me, so feel free to sign up for SFTW3!
This was my Transformation Tuesday sometime in October or November when I was in my first ever DietBet. The picture on the left was taken in college when I really wasn't that heavy, but I was not making exercise a priority. By which I mean I was not exercising at all beyond walking to classes.
I know everyone has their different struggles, but starting DietBet has really helped with mine, mainly portion control and working in at least little exercise most day of the week.
How has DietBet helped you?