This thing has blogging now. I'll be damned.
Hi guys! I'm Kerry. I have some weight I'd like to lose.
I have experienced mixed results with Diet Bet in the past. Every 4-week Diet Bet I've entered, I've won. The one six-month Diet Bet I tried was a miserable failure on my part. Consistency, attention span, long-term commitment, I just failed.
I know the trouble that I have with Diet Bets is that I do well during week 1, during weeks 2 and 3 I completely stray, and during week 4, I crank it to 11 so I can hit my goal. While according to DB, that's a win, I know deep down I'm cheating myself.
In addition to that, once the DB ends, I lose my mind. I'll have worked so hard during week 4 of the last DB that I take a break and relax until the next DB I eventually decide to sign up for, and by then, I'm back to where I was before the last DB even started.
So for me, Diet Bet hasn't led me to a lifestyle change or long-term success. It's gotten me to pay attention for short spurts of time, and it reins me in when I've gone way, WAY off the path, but for the most part, it's a loose reminder for me of what I need to be doing.
It is depressing to see all my starting and ending weigh in photos from Diet Bets of yore. It's a flat-line yo-yo, pretty much. Will this time be different? How do I make it so?
Losing a Diet Bet for me causes GREAT shame. I do NOT like to lose. I will NOT lose if competing with people I know. It's not the money, it's the private satisfaction of winning and the private grief of losing that motivates me. A few bucks at the end of it is icing on the fat free sugar free cake.
But I'm very excited to compete with all of the GB ladies. In my mind this is the "GB DB." While plus size is perfectly fabulous, healthy and self-loving, for me, is fabulous-er.
This is one instance where I don't want to take anybody's money. Looking forward to our great success!