Hi everyone,
My parents are visiting today for a week. In the past it has been really hard to eat healthy with them in the house. My mom likes to buy all sorts of treats from the supermarket. I know she means well but it is really hard not to just eat a cookie every time I walk through the kitchen, or take the second helping of chicken parm she will inevitably offer. Also, we don't usually keep wine in the house, but my dad loves it and it will be offered to me as well.
Usually if I am actively following a program I am pretty good at staying with my plan and resisting the urge to say "screw it, I'm on 'vacation.'" So I think I should be ok right now being that I met the 3% goal and have been consistent for a month.
I can also try to work some treats into my daily intake by reducing the calories of my meals. I'll probably try to go on a longer walk each day as well.
Anyway, it's just good to think about my approach ahead of time. I think they called it "scripting" in Weight Watchers.
Hope everyone is having a great Friday!