Its a simple question that so many people can't find a legitimate answer to....
What is holding you back from being in the best shape you can be?
Eveyday men and women ask themselves this question, but most of the time the answers are not answers. They are excuses. Excuses that are mislead to seem like answers, but really are just a way of telling ourselves we are scared.
The number one fear of most of the population is change. Change of environment, change in our age as we grow, changing jobs, changing friends.... heck even changes hang out spots!
The real truth is, you have all the tools you need in front of you to CHANGE your body. Because all you need is your own determination.
It takes time to get healthy. It takes time to get abs, chisel your chest, shape your butt and thighs. But like all things good and grand, they come overtime. But what if you don't have time? Is that really your excuse?
So you're a parent, you have a job (maybe two), you aren't in the Upper-class financially, you are a fulltime student, and parent and have a job.... these are all excuses I've heard overtime. And guess what? They are all just that. Excuses.
Jessica, for example, is a mother of 3 wonderful children who she is heavily active with (as you've seen on social media). She also goes to school, teaches her classes all throughout the week, designs and films new workouts and choreography for her brand, travels, films, has a social life.... and STILL is in the shape she is in. Thats because Jessica has the NUMBER ONE ASSET to be able to succeed..... DETERMINATION.
Did you know that the average fitness enthusiast spends less then 4% of their week working out? Thats because you have more time then you think! There are 168 hours in a week. If you were to workout for 1 hour, 4 days a week, you'll still ahve 164 hours left in that week to handle the day to day duties and whatever else you have coming your way. So again, what is your excuse?
Like anything else you strive for in life, you need to make a plan. Make a plan and see it through. If your planning to drop 30lbs in 6 months. Make a plan and see it through. 50lbs, 100lbs, toning up your arms, your legs, sculpting your abs, Benching 400lbs, Squatting 500lbs..... make a plan and see it through.
With the advances in technology over even just the past 5 years, we have UNLIMITED access to nearly anything we need. Just start asking the right questions.
-How do I create a plan that works for me?
-How do I buid a better body?
-How do I prepare my meals so they are both healthy and balanced?
Ask us and we will help. Dance Fitness with Jessica has proven that change is okay. Hundreds of women (and men) have shared with us their stories of change. Many have overcome odds you wouldnt believe.
With the right motivation and surrounding yourself with people who care, you can make the changes you are wanting to.
Embrace change. Work hard. See results.