5/19/15- I am now listed as #102.
My Success Story was published in the DietBet testimonials recently! I was so excited to receive the email and am happy to help provide the face for such an amazing motivational website. Although I reached my initial weight loss goal I set over 55 pounds ago, I'm still on my way to losing more weight, but gaining more knowledge and fitness.
"I live with my amazing husband of five years, and our two Treeing Walker Coonhounds. I have always been into fitness and exercise. However, my love of food and emotional eating has been gaining momentum since my high school years and had become too much for me to deal with anymore. I gained most of my weight in college, but joining the post-graduation workforce brought my weight and eating habits to a whole new level. I lost 40 pounds once already in preparation for my wedding. I thought I looked great and was so proud of myself. Unfortunately I gained all of the weight back and then some, landing me at 210 pounds as of July 2014. I was ready to take off the weight for good this time, and am now back to the weight I was when I started college over ten years ago. This time, I’m going to keep going, and am consistently setting new fitness goals for myself.
I started following Chris and Heidi Powell on Facebook, and saw that they were having a Kickstarter DietBet. I was intrigued by the idea, so I looked into it and thought I would give it a try. I thought joining a DietBet would be the perfect opportunity to push me out of my comfort zone to start getting healthy again. After a successful month, I joined a six-month Transformer. I ended up joining three overlapping Transformers from August 2014 to August 2015 because I wanted to blow through my goals and set new ones. A month after I started using DietBet, I was also asked to be the Matron of Honor in my friend’s wedding in June 2015, so that gave me something to work toward. Since purchasing my dress for the wedding, I’ve actually shrunk out of it and had to have some major alterations done just to keep it on my body! I’ve lost about 60 pounds total, and I can attribute most of it to DietBet.
DietBet worked for me because I care too much about my money to lose it over something as trivial as my weight! The weight goal in each type of game is extremely realistic if you have the weight to lose and stick with a plan. It is in my competitive nature to win, and I found myself not only meeting my goals, but also surpassing them. I began to start making new goals for myself, and my husband and I started registering for any 5K race in our area. Although I am athletic and love my cardio, I’m not a fantastic runner and don’t have very good race times. But, it gives me something else to work toward rather than basing my success solely off the number on my scale.
DietBet is honestly the best thing I’ve ever discovered. It is for the person who has trouble staying motivated, and gives you that extra incentive to win money for losing weight. The money back guarantee shows there is integrity in this group of people who care about the people they support. I’ve never walked away with the bare minimum after being named a winner. There is nothing to lose when you join a DietBet. Find a plan, and stick with it. Use DietBet for accountability, make good choices, and the weight will come off."