Today we start making a better choice. We start focusing in being more healthy than ever.
How are we going to do that?
We are doing the 21 days Fix challenge. In those 21 days we will follow the exercises and diet.
As we do this we will like to help each other on the way. Building a camaderie and friendship along the way. We want this comepetition to be friendly and FUN.
Are you ready to do this?
1) The Challenge will start on Aug 3rd.
2) You need to get the Challenge pack here if you dont have it.
21 Days Fix Challenge pack
3) Bet on yourself $10 by joining my dietbet group: 21days
We will support each other during the process. We will follow the
guidelines and the winner will be chosen by the Dietbet panel. The more people that join the more money in the POT.
4) Join my challenge and lets be healthier and win some cash. Its a win/win join NOW.
Lets end Summer being in better Shape... I will see you in the group....