Hello Dietbetters!
We are so so happy that you have joined our 4 week "Let's Get Lean Together" challenge to lose 4% of your total bodyweight in 4 weeks.
As promised, we've created the suggested Workout & Meal Plans to help you through your fitness journey and to keep you motivated.
Let's all stay accountable and keep the DietBet chatroom active with your daily posts, comments or pictures.
You can also share your pictures with us on Facebook or Instragram. Tag us @JoannaSohOfficial @BakingMadGymAddict and #LetsGetLeanTogether
There's also a BONUS, we'll be selecting 2 winners from this game to win some cool gifts:
1st Winner - The most active or supportive person within the DietBet community or chat room and the person who invites the most friends to join.
2nd Winner - The most consistent number of daily posts on Instagram or Facebook with the #LetsGetLeanTogether. Don’t forget to make your profile PUBLIC so that we can all view your pictures.
2nd Winner - The most consistent number of daily posts on Instagram or Facebook with the #LetsGetLeanTogether. Don’t forget to make your profile PUBLIC so that we can all view your pictures.
You can also checkout more Workout & Recipe videos from our YouTube Channel. Click on the links below:
All the best everybody! We're SO excited to start this game!
If you have any questions, do leave your comments and we'll get back to you.
Stay committed. We promise you it'll be worth it!
Joanna Soh & Lozza
p/s Don't forget to weigh-in and get your friends to join. Late entry is permitted! xx
WORKOUT PLAN (Week 1 & 2)
Click on the link BELOW to get access to all the workout videos:
DietBet Workout Videos Week 1 & 2
*Week 3 & 4 Workout Plan will be posted later on.