I won my last two dietbets and then, what did I do? I took off on Easter break and ate whatever I wanted to eat. I did not pig out! Really I didn't! However, I did not weigh myself and ate whatever I felt like eating... I am back and low and behold - after less than two weeks - I have hit a new historic high. Oh no!
I am not 20 or 30 or even 40! I am a 53 year-old woman who feels young but is no longer able to just eat what and when I want and exercise when and how I want to and remain at a healthy weight. If I just "follow my instinct" the trend is UP UP UP! And I say NO NO NO!
I WILL turn this around!!!! How? Regular exercise: I have been doing water aerobics twice a week (a really good full body workout) and am back to jogging (have signed up for several fun runs and 5ks)! Exercise is NOT the problem. I MUST, CAN, and WILL eat within my calorie limit! How can this be done? I will keep track of calories every day! If I have a poor day (and I will) I will not use it as an excuse to eat whatever for 10 days and gain 10lbs (yes, my body can and does do this without even "pigging out"). I will keep on counting and COMPENSATE for any overflow of calories on the very next day!
I deserve to feel good in my own skin (not to mention my closets full of too tight clothing) and I AM GOING TO DO THIS with a little help (i.e. from my diet bet and "real life" friends).