Hello All my name is Gus. I am or was on friday a 312 lb diabetic with high blood pressure and an arthritic left foot. But none of that gave me the motivation to change. Whatever your motivation is use it to fuel change in your life. My wife is my motivation. didnt even know she joined dietbet and i know she was refusing to eat foods that were bad for her especially the ones that give her the hardest time like sweets and cake, BIRTHDAY CAKE!!! Maybe she told me she joined dietbet but i didnt hear her or tuned her out like most husbands do LOL! But then she won! she told me she won a diet bet on a pool of something like 12000 dollars. I was like wow you mean you get paid to eat right! Yeah money was my motivation and here is why. I work 3 jobs 80 hours a week have little to no time to exercise and if i do im too tired and badly in need of sleep which is a commodity for a guy like me. Oh i also run a weekly religious podcast on the cults and is dependent upon guests whether its scholars or former cultists sharing their stories or debates. So like i said time for me is a commodity. I spend alot of time sitting because my jobs involve driving or sitting at a desk. But i eat at my overnight job and not the right things. I shed the pounds pretty easy just from eating right. Case and example i weighed in on friday at 312.9 lbs and weighed myself today monday morn and i weighed at 302 lbs. Yep already near my goal 4% at 299.5 lbs. But i need something to push that button and the other is my a1c test im trying to avoid. Im a pill diabetic and im afraid this a1c is going to bring the needle. So my wife, dietbets play and get paid, and the needle have moved me to just do it! There is no excuse anymore. Fast food places have healthy foods and even without exercise the right diet can take you to a healthy range of weight where disease is not assaulting you. Ive done it before going to do it again or else ugh the dreaded NEEDLE!!!