Today I continue on a journey to being healthy. Its not perfect but its mine. I hate that my body holds me back from living the life I desire. I can't run up a hill because I get short winded. I have big dreams of doing normal things. Like hiking, fishing, hunting, kayaking, using my bow.. My son is only three and looks to me to teach him how to do these things. My own body imprisons me as my soul begs to be able and do these things... I also love to find God in the wind and the sound of the trees whistling.... My final goal is not the point of this blog. But to see my obstacles as stepping stones. The stepping stones as part of a mountain. That once I thought impossible to climb. I hope to sit on that mountain one day and look at what I've done with my weight loss and find another mountain to climb. Never despise small beginnings.... Zechariah 4:10.