I've been moderately health concious since I stopped eating meat at the age of 15. Since then I've bounced back and forth from vegetarianism and veganism. At the age of 17 I started smoking cigarettes. I know, it's awful and been a constant pest ever since. I managed to quit a few years ago but stumbled and rejoined the smoking train when my car was stolen. I seriously walked straight to the nearest gas station after discovering it( after 2 years of not buying ciggarettes!). Not that smoking helped, but when you are stressed, it's like the straw that broke the camels back. Unfortunaetly it also did not stop my next car from being stolen as well! Seriously, I don't get that but I digress. Life always seems to be "too stressful" or the time just "wasn't right" to quit smoking.
I have come to realize, this type of mentality makes a life long smoker. I am currently a full time EMT and a full time Biochem Student working toward my BA. I support myself financially 100%. I also have a traveling musician as the love of my life. My days are filled with stress, aches and pains, small joys, smiles, sometimes loneliness, and occasionally some ass kicking accomplishments. Just like everyone else.
It's not just smoking that has been a crutch to me, but also eating really really good food. I love to cook, and try new dishes. I love snacking like nobodies business. I also know that when I quit smoking before I gained about 10 lbs. Which, petty as it sounds, is a factor in the difficulty of quiting for many a smoker.
In order to get healthy and handle my stress more efficiently I have ordered a complete recalibration!
Essentially, I am choosing happiness. I know that I need to make changes to get there. I've always struggled with a low self image and always felt like I could look better. Quitting smoking and losing weight seems daunting, but I know that I am capable. It sure as hell beats gainging weight and second guessing the effort put into quitting. I'm already 6 days smoke free! I joined my first diet bet and yes gained a pound, but that's nothing. Im ready to kick some ass and look damn good doing it (and smell better too!).
Thanks for reading and feel free to follow my journey!
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