I loooove chocolate and I eat a piece almost everyday but I keep it between 78-85%. Sometimes it gets a bit boring and I like to shake things up. I bought these very simple silicon chocolate molds that shouldn't be to difficult to find. I melted dark chocolate, you can both do in on a stove or in a mocrowave here is a link where it is explained how to do that. Then I poured chocolate just enough to cover the bottom and it's good to let it cool a bit before putting in the filling. You can fill it with what ever you like just be carful that it fits within your diet. The ones I have on the picture are filled with peanut butter, cocnut shreds+tiny bit of coconut oil and the last one has chopped almonds. Then you pour more chocolate over the filling, filling the mold up. Let it cool in room temperature or if you are very excited to try them out you can also pop them in the fridge. Thats it! A perfect piece of dessert.