Does this happen to you? You’re doing great all day long, making good food choices, work out, drink all your water, you’re feeling genuinely energized and suddenly it hits you…
A craving for a crunchy sweet cookie!
I actually googled “healthy cookies” and found a few tasty sounding, and clean, recipes. But…clean or not, I can’t have 20 plus cookies sitting in my kitchen. I mean, talk about pressing your willpower, right?!
Instead I made myself a shake: OATMEAL COOKIE SMOOTHIE
- 1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology (or acceptable substitute)
- 1 cup ice
- 1/4 rolled oats
- 1 cup unsweetened Almond Milk
- Dash of Vanilla Extract
- Dash of Cinnamon
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
By no means did I invent it, but it certainly hit the spot! Try it for your next cookie craving.
:-) Melanie