Because of popular demand: the brownie-recipe.
First of all I want to say that 90 % of my recipes come from YouTube, and the rest from cooking books.
This one is from the German YouTuber MoinYamina, here's the link to the video. It's in German, of course. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxcINQ74qOA
This is the original recipe, but I'll write what I did differently.
So she bought shredded nuts and dates in the same quantities, and she also used Schnapps (alcohol). You will also need cocoa powder, as much as you like.
First you blend the dates (with the alcohol if you want to use it) until you have a creamy, thick paste. If your blender or food processor is as "good" as mine (= fucking useless), you'll need a shitload of water. This will make the paste thinner (and less sweet). My blender is a noisy good for nothing piece of garbage, so my paste was more like soup.
Next you mix the shredded nuts with the cocoa, and then add it to the dates. This will make it all thicker. I only had whole sunflower seeds, so it didn't really thicken up anything, but whatever.
Then you put it all on a piece of baking paper and shape it to a big rectangular mass. Now you can eat it right away, or you store it for a day in the fridge and eat it then (you may perceive it as too sticky if you eat it right away). Since mine had the consistency of liquid honey, I put mine in the freezer and had it for breakfast the next morning.
If you have any questions feel free to ask me :)