Having been on a very low carb/fat-high protein menu for the past month or so, it has helped reduce my overall cravings, but I am always going to love chocolate. Like brownies. Soft, moist, nearly fall apart as you pick them up off the plate - those kind of brownies. These are close. The texture is perfect, after playing with it a bit, but they still don't have quite the richness that a really good brownie has - however, after having NONE for so long, and after seeing what it does to my protein intake at the end of a day, I consider them perfect.
I use a mini muffin pan and following is the ingredient list for ONE serving, which will make (4) mini brownie bites.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- 1 scoop (1 ounce) CARBTHIN ZEROCARB Chocolate Protein Bake Mix
- ½ tsp baking powder
- ½ tsp vanilla extract
- 2 tbsp lowfat plain Kefir
- 1½ tbsp water
- 1 tbsp powdered Stevia (or to taste)
Mix ingredients. They will be thick, almost like frosting. Spoon into a mini-muffin tin that has been sprayed with a non-stick spray. Lick any remaining batter from spoon and bowl and consider this a cheat, but it is required. Bake for five (5) minutes. No more. They won't be quite done, but will continue to set up as they cool. This will keep them soft and chewy. (that same concept applies to any type brownie)
Nutritional content:
- 117 calories
- 2 grams carbs
- 0 grams fat
- 24 grams protein