I won my first DietBet, and I must say it's one of the most challenging things I have ever done. Losing 4% in 4 weeks was tough, but I did it. My motivation into losing weight was to stay away from medication. I gained weight after doing international flights. I wanted to try everything for the experience. Pastries from Paris, Beer from Dublin, Chocolates from Brussels, Waffles from Amsterdam etc. Not a good idea! I went to visit my doctor two months ago, and he told me I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol and damned close to getting Diabetes. Heck no! My dentist even warned me and told me I should be taking Meds because I had hypertension. I was stressed out and not liking what I was hearing, so I made some major life changes. I started juicing kale, spinach, pineapples with probiotics, started drinking Shakeology again as a meal replacement, taking B-12 shots, exercising, and cut out sugar, salt, coffee, bread and everything that makes me bloated. Since I travel for a living and on the airplane all the time. Drinking plenty of water was essential. I started using my FitBit bracelet again and walking over 10,000 steps a day. I still have a long ways to go, so I joined another DietBet. It's a 6 month commitment, and I am looking forward to seeing the results.