"This summer I’m gonna do it! I’m gonna lose weight and look so good next year!” -Me at the end of every school year from 6th grade through… Well its never really ended. Until now.
Some background… I have never been a healthy weight. Not since around age 6-7 anyway. I’m not trying to lose baby weight or weight I put on in college/as an adult. This is a lifetime of unhealthy habits, binge eating disorder, depression, shame, guilt, grief, anxiety, and taking care of everyone but me. Eventually those things add up and you get on the scale one day at age 31 and gasp in horror at the “371.6” flashing back at you.
I have tried many times at weight loss and just never stuck with it. My grandmas Richard Simmons tapes when I was a kid, bad spandex filled 80’s aerobics tapes when I was a pre-teen(Dance Workout with Barbie!), walking the blocks around my house in the summer, crazy fad diets, the Tae Bo craze in the late 90’s (ok I actually still like Tae Bo…). I’ve even had a personal trainer before.
People who have known me for a while, especially family and close friends, keep asking me “Why now?” or “What’s different this time? You seem to really be sticking with it.” I’ve had to stop and think about the answer to that. I guess its really a combination of things.
My age and health is probably the main thing. Diabetes is the number one killer in my family and I’ve seen the horrible side effects my mother has gone through. I don’t want that for me. I technically started my journey in March 2015, weighing in at 371.6 pounds. I had a new job and used my sign on bonus to get a FitBit. I started and it would fizzle out over and over. I lost about 16 pounds between then and February 2016.
In January of 2016, a co-worker of mine joined Diet Bet. I was skeptical so I waited until hers finished and I knew it was legit. I joined my first Transformer in February. I had the desire in me. I had a laundry list of reasons to get healthy. My life long bad habits were holding me back until I had something to make me stay on track. Diet Bet gave me a long term 6 month goal and goals each month to meet or else I'd lose my money. It gave me just enough reason to stay on track. It gave me the umph I needed month after month! It gave me structured goals and support. A place to share my victories and get encouragement when I need it.
On February 2nd I weighed in at 355.2 pounds. My BMI was 52.4 and I could barely do 3.0 on the treadmill for a half hour without feeling like I would die. My overall 10% goal to lose by August 2nd was 319.7 but I set a goal to get to 300 by my 33rd birthday (August 5th) which is where I was when I moved to TN seven years ago.
I crushed my personal goal! I am headed out of the 300's and I don't intend to ever go back.
My BMI is currently 43.7... Almost 10 points lower (11 points lower overall).
3.0 isn't even my warm up speed anymore. Now I can do 3 miles in 45 minutes.
I'm two sizes down in clothing. (I had to stretch the shirt in my before/after pic like crazy in the before and not at all in the after)
I get positive comments all the time! My favorite is from my neighbor who tells me "get it girl!" every time she is out walking her dog... My mom says even my fingers are smaller.
Winning my money back and then some was great but getting myself back has been priceless.
This is for the little girl doing her spandex filled 80's aerobics in the living room before anyone got home. For the little girl embarrassed in gym class every day. For the high schooler who walked the mile every year and faked period cramps every other week to get out of gym class. For the girl who has criticized her own body since she was 7. For the girl was bullied mercilessly year after year. For the woman who ate fast food every day as comfort and for control and took care of everyone else except her. And this is for future me... A healthy and happy me. Every step I take is for her because she is SO worth it. She's learning that every day.
Even though I started in February and still have a long way to go... This was finally my summer.
Thanks Diet Bet!