Sometimes the scale cooperates and sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't, it's important to remember there are other ways of measuring success. Here are a couple of mine.
NSV photo - I generally don't wear woven button up shirts. Why you might ask? Because they generally have a terminal case of gaposis. That was the case with this blouse about 6 weeks ago. Now, not only does it not gap, but it is even a little roomy.
The other NSV in the pic is my ankles. Look mom! They aren't puffy any more! :)
Had a good weight loss last week but I have one more stinking lb to loose by tomorrow to win the DB4 that ended 7/29. I'm not sure I'll make it after having a good week this past week, but I'm not giving up. Why is it that DB doesn't let one participate on the board until you have a completed weigh in? It is annoying to not be able to interact with my DB buddies while I'm stuck in the weighout nightmare.