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Rachel G.

01/29/2025 4:42AM in January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN
Really coming down to the wire here. Need to stay focused and not sabotage myself. Nice and steady to the end. We’ve got this!

Noxide , Michelle B. and like this comment.

Rachel G.

01/24/2025 8:24AM in January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN
Ugh. I’m getting nervous. Running out of time but still have lbs to lose! Eek. Ok. Need to stop freaking out and start focusing and keeping up the work. Happy Friday everyone.

Regan D , Kate and like this comment.

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Sim S.

Omg same hwre

Courtney W.

I have about 2-2.5 left as well but it’s doable! I keep telling myself this is possible and remind yourself when you wanna make a bad choice! Remind yourself, you can do it!

Courtney W.

01/23/2025 3:17AM in January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN
Well the scale didn’t budge even though I followed plate it, drank way over my water goal, and had a calorie deficit (I’m not really counting calories, but the app I use for my WayBetter challenges counts them so *shrug*). I guess I chalk it up to the sodium that was in dinner. At least I didn’t gain! But I am determined! RT 151.6! That’s my goal for tomorrow on the scale!

Radiah H. , Sabrina D and like this comment.

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Radiah H.

What’s RT?

Courtney W.

Radiah, it’s an “Ilanaism” that stands for “route to!” Like, this is my route to the next two pounds if my weight loss journey :)

Rachel G.

01/20/2025 6:00AM in January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN
Ugh. The scale jumped up a lot. I know it’ll come back down and it’s just from the busy weekend I had with multiple nights out, but it’s so discouraging. It makes me think I’ve erased all the hard work and put me back weeks. But I can’t think like that otherwise it’s a slippery slope to just f it mentality. Today is all about steps, water and nutrition. Here’s to a strong week ahead!!

Sharon B. , Krista M. and like this comment.

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Sgt Thunderthighs

  • If it makes you feel any better weight has been jumping up and down too. As long as you’re trending downward over time, that’s all that matters! Stick to it; you got this!

Sharon B.

This happened to me last week. Injured my back. Can't exercise. Ate out a few times ( saltier food than usual). Up 4 lbs in 5 days. So frustrating. This week I'm really focusing on increasing my water intake and tracking my food. Helped me lose 3 of those lbs. Now to keep going.

Rachel G.

01/15/2025 4:05AM in January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN
Scale is moving down. Woo hoo. Need to keep up the focus and not give myself “wiggle room”. Not at goal, but getting closer. And need to remind myself that I have a big weekend coming up, so I need to have an on point week. Happy Wed!

Deborah M. , Radiah H. and like this comment.

Rachel G.

01/14/2025 2:14PM in January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN
Reminding myself that hunger is not an emergency. And I’m not “starving”. lol

Deborah M. , Stefanie L. and like this comment.

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Radiah H.

Wow that’s good

Deborah M.

Ugh amen to this!!

Rachel G.

01/14/2025 6:44AM in January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN
Reminding myself slow and steady! Keeping up with steps and water. Focusing on protein and veggies

Alicia H. , Yahweh L. and like this comment.

Rachel G.

01/13/2025 4:36AM in January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN
Squeaked out a wlw. 135.2 today (even with the dinner out last night!). Reminding myself that down is down and I’m on the right track. Here’s to another focused week hitting some lower numbers!

Michelle B. , Amber L. and like this comment.

Rachel G.

01/12/2025 7:54AM in January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN
Up 0.2 today, but reminding myself that’s really nothing. I’m going out to dinner tonight to a pizza/pasta place so will be carb heavy (and maybe a temporary jump on the scale tomorrow morning), but overall need to stay focused on having a wlw. Happy Sunday!

Sharon B. , Radiah H. and like this comment.

Rachel G.

01/11/2025 8:03AM in January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN
Woke up and was sad the scale was down but said 135.2 instead of 134.8. BUT then I reframed it and reminded myself any movement down is still losing. So here’s to staying positive and on track for a wlw!

Ashley M. , Radiah H. and like this comment.

Michelle B.

We are tracking around the same weight! My next RT goal is 134.0. Every little bit of downward movement is progress!
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