Happy Hump Day. I hope everyone is doing well, and if not, remember this is a new day. Get yourself up and stay positive. I have completed my gym workout and meditation so far today. I challenge everyone to pick one thing today and try to achieve that one thing. Have a great day, my weight loss family.
Hi Cheryl! This is sweet, thanks for asking! I will be, my next game starts February 3. DietBet has games starting weekly and all the hosts are awesome! They have the name, The DietBet Kickstarter.
I know bread can be viewed as a dieting “no no” for a lot of people but sourdough is actually much easier for our bodies to digest because of the fermentation process it goes through that breaks down the gluten. It also can be good for your gut health as it contains prebiotics and has probiotic qualities. And for anyone who struggles with blood sugars making the switch to a homemade sourdough will have less of an impact on your sugars than normal bread.
If you’re having a bread craving I highly recommend finding someone local to you to purchase a homemade loaf from.
It has 3 simple ingredients. Unbleached flour, water and less than 12 grams of salt per LOAF. That is it, nothing else which is incredible.
I might lose more than 12% and get disqualified, but i am okay with it as long as I continue this life change. 3 days accountable, and the 4th day has started great with meditation and gym. No alcohol in 17 months, no pop/soda, sweets, or late night eating since January 1st, 2025. I got this.
We went to my MILs for dinner tonight. Knowing there would be tons of food, I ate before going over and took my yarn to crochet to stay busy v mindless munching. I crocheted 3 headband while there lol Happy new year everyone! Let’s do this!!!!
SO so cute! What a good idea, so you could still be able to sit and be social with the others, but have busy hands to help not reach for snacks and holiday junk food! I find that when i have a "busy" project while i watch TV, it keeps me from snacking-- i wouldn't want to get greasy chip fingerprints on the quilt i am binding, or whatever
I’m so excited for this DietBet. My world was turned upside down on April 26. I was diagnosed with breast cancer, triple positive. On July 12th I had a double mastectomy, Aug 23rd I had my other ovary taken out to put me into menopause and my port placed. Aug 26th I started chemo and targeted therapy. I completed chemo on Nov 11th. I am still doing the targeted therapy (Herceptin) until the end of Aug 2025. A cancer diagnosis really puts your life into perspective! I also have Hashimoto’s. While I have been battling breast cancer, I have been healing my Hashimoto’s. My antibodies were over 1300 in Aug and they are now 183!! I’m ready to get some of this weight off the healthy way!!
I’m excited to join the game. I had foot surgery and haven’t been able to do anything for 10 weeks! I got the approval from the doctor today. I need to start slow but it will feel good to get moving again!! Good luck everyone. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!