Non-scale victory of the week!
just trying to get through it
What do you feel you could have done better this week?
my diet is not good at all
How many days did you exercise last week?
How would you rate your diet last week?
See lessFavorite Health Food: avocado
Favorite Sinful Food: pizza
My Preferred Method of Exercise: dance or martial arts
My Approach to Weight Loss: low carb and working out
DietBet Winnings: $86.95
Fall Reset Transformer - Win a Tinggly Gift Card (14 days to go)
Lose 6% in 3 Months (Runner-up)
Summer Strong With Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN (Runner-up)
Flex Kickstarter (Runner-up)
Lose 3% in 4 Weeks (Runner-up)
Non-scale victory of the week!
just trying to get through it
What do you feel you could have done better this week?
my diet is not good at all
How many days did you exercise last week?
How would you rate your diet last week?
See lessNon-scale victory of the week!
been doing multiple workouts, so sore!
What do you feel you could have done better this week?
my diet needs tweaking
How many days did you exercise last week?
How would you rate your diet last week?
See lessNon-scale victory of the week!
working in it staying in.
What do you feel you could have done better this week?
did good, wish my knee was better
How many days did you exercise last week?
How would you rate your diet last week?
What are your goals for the upcoming week?
keep at it
See lessNon-scale victory of the week!
just staying in it ....
What do you feel you could have done better this week?
eat better!!!!
How many days did you exercise last week?
How would you rate your diet last week?
See lessNon-scale victory of the week!
did meal prep at the beginning of the week and was mostly on diet
What do you feel you could have done better this week?
diet has been on and off, I need to get myself steady in it to make progress.
How many days did you exercise last week?
How would you rate your diet last week?
What are your goals for the upcoming week?
stay on diet more and keep working toward it
See lessNon-scale victory of the week!
I did workout yesterday even though I am sick. working on today...
What do you feel you could have done better this week?
my diet has been awful.
How many days did you exercise last week?
How would you rate your diet last week?
What are your goals for the upcoming week?
I need this get my diet under control
See lessNon-scale victory of the week!
decided to attend my ceremony for my Bachelor's degree
What do you feel you could have done better this week?
If I didn't have to spend so much money
How many days did you exercise last week?
How would you rate your diet last week?
See lessNon-scale victory of the week!
doing a little better on diet.
What do you feel you could have done better this week?
better on diet still, but living with it
How many days did you exercise last week?
How would you rate your diet last week?
See lessNon-scale victory of the week!
Did extra workout yesterday.
What do you feel you could have done better this week?
I ate too much the last 2 days. need to get back to it
How many days did you exercise last week?
How would you rate your diet last week?
What are your goals for the upcoming week?
get back on track
See lessNon-scale victory of the week!
didn't give in to cravings!
What do you feel you could have done better this week?
eat better
How many days did you exercise last week?
How would you rate your diet last week?
What are your goals for the upcoming week?
continue to try new foods. yesterday I tried tofu.
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