Favorite Health Food: Cauliflower, popcorn
Favorite Sinful Food: Doritos & Cheetos
My Preferred Method of Exercise: Hiking
My Approach to Weight Loss: Eat foods with only natural ingredients
My Weight Loss Program: I don't follow a program
My Diet Plan: I don't follow a plan
Fitness Devices: I don't use a device
DietBet Winnings: $7,507.51
Apr 1-2 Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes! - Round 3
Apr 6-7 The Real Results Transformer - Win a Smart Watch! - Round 3
The Real Results Transformer - Win a Smart Watch! (106 days to go)
January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN (Winner)
Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes! (101 days to go)